November 13, 2015

My Fellow Americans, We are paying for diploma mills. Someone has to say it. ...a new "C's Note by C"

NEIL CAVUTO VIDEO: Million Student March leader fails Economics 101... can't explain how nation might pay for all student tuition and debt...

This was rough to watch. So much second-hand embarrassment.

 We are printing more and more diplomas that mean less and less. We have given up a gold standard, once again.  

Gold, once lost, is lost.

Our only hope...  The IMF is not watching or meeting soon.

I would not graduate this young lady. Should her professors be worth their salt, they shall not. Our teachers should not lose their jobs by doing them well. How would you feel if you watched this girl walk with a masking tape "KM" atop her mortarboard?  No!

I loved loved loved to teach high school chemistry, until chemistry became a state mandate for the graduation of every student.  I could no longer teach it and stopped. We are not created equally. We have different gifts and should be allowed to light where we may for our good and the greater good.

I have a ton of Bachelor's degrees and, not once, have I been required to take College Algebra or a foreign language. How could my noble and respected university allow this to happen? I had earned a respected high school diploma with a mere sixteen credits required. My teachers had graduated me. Most were top-notch. They loved me, and I received an exemplary education.  I attended college before and during my senior year.

My parents were held accountable for my upbringing. We received conduct grades and extra points for right behavior. I loved and respected each one of my teachers, even those who were not my favorites. Pleasing my teachers and parents meant everything to me. To be called to fetch a teacher a Coke from the teacher's lounge was the bee's-knees. Pure joy! I remember. ...just now.

What is that show? I no longer have cable, but is it "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" My mother likes to watch it. I always referred to it as, "What disturbingly stupid things are they teaching our fifth graders, now?".

Just now... Our children's transcripts are being filled with amazing classes and amazing grades in those amazing classes! They will have spent their day, in it's entirety, trying to learn what is too easy and what is too hard. They will be involved in more wonderful activities that you could have ever imagined. They will learn far less than they would from you. They will never enjoy things like they would with you. They need more and more school days each year to learn less and less, and know you less and less.

You will begin to understand when you realize something is very wrong  ...and, somehow, you got something wrong. There are few or no memories of mud-pies... tea parties... capes... games... or puzzles. No more giddy, happy, shining faces up early on Saturday mornings eager to watch cartoons.
Where are my memories?

My children do not have enough time to do a child's work - to play.

Just now... We shall have less and less glorious Venetian glass chandeliers, because Italy has seen the "light" and jumped onto a better "apple cart". They are expanding mandatory school age limits. Master glass blowers must start young to become masters. Little bodies must bulk up during their development for a specific build and strength needed to support the glass in the hellish heat while they craft it more than a several feet away.

Where are the new "Great Masters"? I am not sure, because I cannot find any. Becoming one, generally, takes lifetimes of skill and practice. Should you find yourself with a young "Great Master", he shall not become one. You will be jailed, and your baby may be "given" to someone else who knows better than do you.

The United States is now calling for a miraculous "Common-Core Curriculum" that will be for the good of all children and our country. Will 6th graders be required to enroll in chemistry soon? They will be enrolled in masturbation and have not the faintest idea of how to write in cursive. Handwriting has gone the way of the dodo.  It has been retired.

Slavery is far easier when one does not know he has been enslaved.

We have been taught "accidental history" when it has been anything but accidental. Though tragic and evil, there may well be very little we can do. 

Just now...  We cannot vote ourselves out of "This".

My 12 year son has autism, and he is home with me. He just finished reading "Screwtape Proposes a Toast", a short book that addresses "public education".  C.S. Lewis, a professor of medieval and Renaissance literature at Oxford and Cambridge universities wrote and published the book about 1959.  It teaches us, as only Lewis can, that public education will be our downfall. Screwtape is a practiced devil saluting this concept while delightedly and dementedly cackling.  Their "patients" shall receive a wealth of far reaching, evil temptation and teaching. The devils may sit back, and watch.  There shall be little or nothing a devil must do to lead his patient astray.

My young son is astute. Having finished his read today, he came rushing in to report that C.S. Lewis had written exactly what is happening today! 

Alas!   We appear to be helpless for good reason;  We have been such good little socialists.

I am posting a link to the "1963 Communist Goals" which are a matter of congressional record. If you have not read this document before, prepare to be shocked.  Things may be worse than you think.   

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